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Welcome to strawberry-muffins.blogspot.com
Sunday, February 28, 2010Y


An 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile yesterday, 27 February 2010. It was the strongest earthquake to hit Chile since the Valdivia 9.5 magnitude earthquake in 1960. The hardest hit city was Chile’s second largest city, Concepcion, which was the epicentre of the quake.

The quake was due to crustal plate movements involving the Nazca plate and the South American plate. The Nazca Plate is subducting under the South American Plate, causing the earthquake that happened along the border between the Nazca plate and South American plate.

It has left more than 2 million affected and at least 300 dead. The damage is quite serious, with houses being torn apart and bridges collapsing. Chileans near the epicentre have also been reported to be “tossed about”.

Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has also issued a tsunami warning. It included the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and even countries as far away as Russia.

The State Department of the United States has established a web-based Chile Earthquake Google Person Finder and set-up an emergency phone line for seeking information about missing people in the quake affected area.

Although we cannot do anything to stop natural disasters like the earthquake from happening, there are ways for us to minimise the damage from such events. For example, high rise buildings should be earthquake-proof. When there is a prediction that there may be an earthquake, there should be an announcement weeks beforehand to alert the people who may be affected. Although the prediction may not be accurate, it’s always better to be safe than to be sorry. People should also learn what to do at times of earthquakes so as to be more prepared.

It is saddening to see the terrible result of such natural disasters. However, I feel relieved and touched that so many countries have very willingly lent a helping hand to the Chilean government. We should also do whatever we can to help the people of Chile, such as giving donations.


-Reuters, AFP, AP, The Sunday Times, 28 February 2010



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Sunday, February 7, 2010Y

Okays, finally changed the blogskin.. seems quite sweet now. (: heheh. So this is going to be my geography blog for the HISTORY-GEOGRAPHY INTEGRATED ASSIGNMENT. whew, better do this properly. Actually this is quite FUN!! Not at all what i was expecting -usual pen-and-paper kind of assignment- but something which involves the net! (: (: (: I'll be posting on stuff related to my allocated region, which is south america. (: ok, have to start researching now, byes!


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Thursday, February 4, 2010Y



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